Nows your chance to sign up for all those useless social media sites everyone is talking about!
I'll list the ones I picked here but in about 20 mins that list will be outdated of course.
I recently found friends from grade school. Expand your network beyond just college.
As a side note, you may find friends in locales you actually want to visit and you have a lot of time to travel just now. Some of those friend may even come visit you. And thats always nice! Its always nice to play tourist in your own city when you have someone to do it with.
A community image stock house. People see things on the internet and categorize them into 'boards'. Its like istock but just for viewing. (not for commercial work). Inspirational for things like getting fit or planning weddings/parities.
4 months later I'm NEVER on it
Seriously you have to know what twitter is by now. You wanna get a phone app for this cause you'll most likely be tweeting from your phone. I love Twittelator. I used Tweebot before that. Twitter apps let you post to FaceBook at the same time you post your tweet. But, really, all we have is time, right?!
Note about Twitter: Google the "must-follows", this will help you see the cuteness of Twitter. 4 months later and I actually still use and like Twitter. (who knew?)
On it all the time. Keeps me sane when I get tired of talking to my cats.
MeetUps are offline groups that meet in RL. Some are free, some involve cost. (when they do cost - I've seen $20). Just be sure you're not getting reamed. Ask what the money is for. Is it for the meeting place rental? Food? etc. If it feels wrong - find another group!
Whatever your interest, theres a good chance you can find a group of people around you with the same interest. Remember, an hour might have been too far away when you were working and using your gas every day but splurge a little in terms of distance. Getting a new group of friends who share your interest is worth it.
Browse groups! You may find something you never knew you were interested in - like learning Buddhism through the movies. Dont see one you like? Start you own!
Get the MeetUp app for your phone.
Special Interest Forums
Forums are great cause its like speed learning in your area of interest. Chances are you'll learn more here than you ever did at your last job!
Gladly, you're not so special. Whatever your crazy interest is, the paranormal, hacking, candle making, extreme couponing, body building etc theres a forum for it.
And since we're talking about websites to join - make sure you're on:
LinkedIn, Indeed & Craig's List (for jobs)
Fat Wallet (savings for whatever you're buying)
Lastly, in the event you don't find the social media outlet that fits, you can always start your own with your own website!
Find and register your Domain name:
$12 (google to see if you can find a better price and/or discount offers.)
Hosting is free: (there are many, look for one with no ads and the largest amount of server space)
These days there are a million free website templates that can get you started without any web knowledge/coding ability. Many of the hosting sites provide that now as well.
And just like that - you're social!
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